Ahad, 29 Jun 2008

Our Malaysia Tour

Salam pembuka bicara,
ML memulakan hari like our normal days. we have a task need to be done which we need to go for our malaysia tour give a training to the Tekun Staff over malaysia. our schedule training started:-
1st phase location - KL Tekun Branch. (done)
2nd phase location - Selangor Tekun Branch. (done)
3rd phase location - North centre which we covered Perlis,Kedah & Penang Tekun Branch. (done)
4rd phase location - East centre covered Terengganu & Pahang Tekun Branch. (Done)

experience - a lot of fun happened to us when we conduct the training. we know the FAS & FMS system a little bit. FAS we do not need to worry but sometimes we need to explain 2-3 times coz depa ni not understand bout what we explain. that 1 our mistake yea la mne xnye.. sometimes user try to ask question yg pelik2 that 1 yg payah nk answer. bes ever experience when dealing with macam2 user yg punyai citarasa tersendiri. hee.. at the end of the training we got new experience dealing with many dialect users.. hahaha..

BreakDown Deal

Salam pembuka bicara,
tempo ari farid de bgtau psl 1 deal ML dgn sebuah produksi filem yg akan produce filem xlme lg. filem genre klakar jgk.. ML mewakilkn aku g deal ngan 1 of the sdara terdekat aku ngan produksi ni.. tp aku yg aku nk kongsi dsini bukan pe bler stat deal mse mule2 mmg mnarik.. tp ML bernasib baik bkn pe nsb baik xwat projek yg nmpk gah.. aku rsau slps ni ML kne tipu ukan pe sdara pn sdara jgk tp klu nk kne mst terkena pye la.. hee..
Conclusion ku, lebih better biler wat biz sebaiknye deal dengan owner d biz bukan dengan org bawahan..
